Automatic Motorised Pop Up Plug Socket with QI Charging For Worktops
$269.99 $159.99
- Three plug sockets and two 2000mA USB sockets
- Built-in QI wireless charger
- Pop-up plug socket with anti-trap safety feature
- 3250w maximum power
- 111mm diameter requires 95mm cut-out hole
Meet The Ultimate Space Saver!
Constantly bothered that you might spill over the extension cord that’s lying on top of your kitchen island? Don’t have enough sockets to power all the appliances you need for cooking? Have a headache with all the tangled wires sprawled across your not-so-spacious kitchen? Well, we have the answer to all these problems!
Meet our Automatic Motorised Pop Up Plug Socket with QI Charging! With this space-saving gadget, not only will you have enough power supply to run your kitchen gadgets, but you’ll also have an organised and clutter-free space! Plus, you can tuck the socket in whenever you’re not using it, preventing short-circuiting due to accidentally spilled liquids.
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